
is the Foundation of Life

Dr. Jere -Rivera-Dugenio,Ph.D.

Innovator in Quantum Morphogenetic Physics & Creator of RASHA® Technology

Elevating Consciousness & Wellbeing through Scalar Energy Solutions

Nicola Tesla

'‘The Father of Scalar Energy'“

What is The RASHA?

The RASHA is the world’s only Base-12, Consciousness-Coherence, brain optimization, Sha’ Ka’ Ra’ harmonization, psycho-emotional transmutation, and relaxation technology.

The RASHA is a true Scalar-plasma energy device with the most advanced Base-12 Frequency Collection that protects, enhances, and harmonizes the autonomic nervous system by releasing stressors, transmuting negative habitual patterns, supporting relaxation, cellular communication, and protection from electro-smog and geopathic stress.

Rasha Benefits

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Consciousness-Coherence and Expansion Amplifies Your Energetic Oscillation Improved Sahdi State (Sleep)

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Inner Happiness, Joy, and Peace Improved Focus
Intuition Enhancement Materialization Enhancement

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❖ DNA Activation

❖ Amplifies SELF-Healing Abilities ❖ Promotes BioRegenesis

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Stress Release and Relaxation
Brain Optimization/Balancing
Sha’ Ka’ Ra’ (Chakra) Harmonization Emotional Trauma Transmutation

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Cellular Boost
Energy Boost

What is BioRegenesis ?

Scalar Energy:

The Language of Our DNA

Atomic, cellular communication between introns occurs when one cell transmits information and imprints those instructions onto the receiving intron via the magnetic vector of a scalar wave.

According to Professor Dr. Konstantin Meyl, the DNA generates a scalar wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector.

What is Scalar Energy

Scalar energy is the fundamental aspect of the mechanics of creation.

Light and sound are birthed from Scalar energy.

Scalar Energy Benefits

Optimizes cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts
Stimulates the regenerative process and DNA repair
Increases covalent level of hydrogen atoms that hold DNA together

Cleanses the blood
Functions as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12 nerve cells

Anti-aging processes and maintenance due to unbounded relative time/space biological functioning
Improves cell wall permeability maximizing nutrient uptake and cellular detoxification Catalyzes heightened states of awareness and creativity

Thoughts = Scalar Energy

Undirected thought creates chaotic patterns within the MORPHOGENETIC Blueprint, while thought directed through clear intention creates ordered patterns within the MORPHOGENETIC Blueprint. Thought directed with clear intention, and KNOWLEDGE OF THE STRUCTURE OF MORPHOGENETIC-BODY ANATOMY, is a very potent form of SCALAR POWER.The client interfaces with the RASHA via Intention.

Scalar Energy Protects

THE HUMAN BODY is made of nearly 99% water molecules. This fluid serves as our antennae as we live in our hologram(s), day to day. Unfortunately, our environment is inundated by harmful disrupters, such as electromagnetic frequencies, or EMFs (Wi-Fi, 5G, etc.), pesticides, heavy metals, heavy water, nano particulates, geoengineering, viruses, and other pathogens.

SCALAR ENERGY, when harnessed in Base-12 capacity, communicates to our DNA in its own language, and UNLOCKS and RESTORES the body’s original potential to SELF-HEAL.

The RASHA is a true Scalar-Plasma,

The RASHA BioRegenesis technology designed to communicate with the intron DNA to achieve Consciousness-Coherence and Relaxation.


Scalar Energy
Phase Conjugation, Primordial Substance, and The Language of Our DNA

Base-12, Scalar Energy information (in the form of frequency) speaks to the DNA in its own language, impacting the cells on a quantum level, allowing for the repatterning of our morphogenetic fields surrounding every cell, organ, and system, of the body.


What Makes

THE RASHA Different?

Base-12 Mathematics in Frequency & Scalar Energy

Exposure to Base-12 information enables the ability to achieve Consciousness-Coherence and Expansion.

Base-12 Mathematics & Frequencies

A Perpetual, Self-Regeneration System offered to Activate the intron DNA.

The RASHA is a true Scalar-Plasma, Consciousness-Coherence device controlled by the most advanced Base-12 Frequency Collection. When engaging The RASHA DAC player, selected frequencies (Hertz/transverse waves) are transmitted through the three (3) Base-12 RASHA Coils. These frequencies are then pulsed, causing excitation of the proprietary custom gas blend in the plasma gas chamber, creating a powerful, magnetic Scalar field. This process is called Phase Conjugation which transforms linear, transverse waves (limited wave) into a spherical, longitudinal, scalar wave.

Hertz Wave = Transverse Wave = Linear (3D) - light and sound as we know it. Scalar Wave = Spherical = Longitudinal = Language of DNA = Consciousness

By transmitting any sound (Base-12 frequencies, music, etc.) through The RASHA and its Base-12 coils, you have the ability to transform the wave to affect the way it is being delivered to the user/audience in a healthier,
truly effective manner.

Phase Conjugation - Wave Transformation