Oxygen is the nutrient we humans need most. You can go days without eating, hours without drinking, but only minutes without breathing.

The oxygen we need to survive is made of two oxygen atoms (O2). Ozone is made of three (O3). So when medical ozone interacts with different fluids in your body, that third oxygen atom hitches a ride on other molecules to attack disease and oxygenate your body.

Ozone is oxygen in action

Your cells, need oxygen to keep you healthy 

Your body is powered by cells. Your cells are powered by mitochondria. Mitochondria are the microscopic engines that convert food, drink and oxygen into energy for your body.To keep your mitochondria functioning at the highest level, you need to keep them supplied with oxygen.

Ozone sauna capsule

  • When ozone is applied, it quickly reverts into oxygen. Oxygen is the single most important nutrient for the human body. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. If, deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions).

  • One of the fascinating ways that ozone interacts with your body is by stimulating a healing response. That’s why it’s often used to treat so many diseases and condition.

  • Thanks to its inherent structure, ozone is one of the most powerful antiseptics. Ozone breaks down pathogens and infections quicker and more efficiently than practically anything else. Bear in mind that ozone is not forcing your body to do anything like a drug does.  It is stimulating processes in your body to force better.  The fact that ozone works to boost and support your body’s natural functions is precisely why it’s used for so many diseases.

  • How can ozone do all of this? The simple answer is that ozone is oxygen on steroids.When ozone is administered, it creates a small amount of stress in the body.  This is the same type of stress that is activated when you fast or exercise, so it produces a positive net result.1, 2, 3 The body recognizes the small, controlled amount of stress from ozone therapy and responds by balancing itself.

    Ozone is said to cause "homeostasis" or a balanced state of the body.

Dr. Velio Bocci published many papers and books on ozone and was one of them to bring a scientific foundation to ozone therapy. He observes that environmental ozone and breathing ozone is different from ozone therapy.

Mechanism of Ozone Sauna Therapy

O3 benefits tons of serious illnesses:

An ozone generator pumps the gas into the sauna at a therapeutic dose, usually between 3 to 5 percent of the gas emitted.

A steam generator feeds hot steam as the O3 gas is pumped into the chamber. The combination of steam and O3 opens the body’s pores and begins the detoxification process through sweat. The O3 gas eventually breaks down in the form of organic peroxides (e.g. ozonated oil), which are being excreted by your body.

It is important to note that the health benefits of ozone sauna therapy come from cumulative use. This is why, aside from the dose, the duration of the ozone steam should also be consistent. 30 minutes should be enough to break down your body’s toxins and reset your immune system. Ozone improves the immune system and pushes it to perform faster in protecting the body from further complications and infections brought about by chronic disorders.

Ozone Process

The Ozone process of therapy sessions is one of the most powerful methods of detoxifying and oxygenating the body in existence. Following an Ozone therapy session, the majority of people actually feel relaxed yet still energized. Clients will also experience effects related to enhancement of cellular immunity, as well as an increase in circulation and metabolism.They stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are necessary to fight infection.Ozone is anti-neoplastic, which means that they inhibit the growth of new tissues like tumors.

  • The infrared ozone sauna was first used about 100 years ago, and studies have shown that it eliminates more toxins than a regular sauna does. It was developed further by holistic treatment researchers who eventually discovered its two beneficial elements: the infrared rays and the ozone gas.

  • Acts as Hyperthermia Therapy

    Helps Rejuvenate the Skin

    Promotes Joint and Muscle Health

    Promotes Cardiovascular Health

    Decreases Arterial Inflammation

    Helps in Recovery After Vigorous Exercise

  • Autoimmune Diseases

    Inflammatory Conditions

    Viral Infections

    Bacterial Infections

    Joint Pain

    Circulation Conditions

    Respiratory Diseases

    Eye Diseases

    Skin Disorders

  • The infrared ozone sauna uses light and heat. The infrared rays give off heat1 to open the pores of your skin and allow the ozone gas to penetrate deep into your tissues, helping you attain the maximum level of therapeutic benefit from the treatment. The ozone gas is an active form of oxygen that is beneficial in increasing the oxygenation of the blood.

  • Regular saunas are known for their health benefits of opening the skin pores and letting the steam enter the tissues and the bloodstream. However, they are not for everyone1 because some people cannot tolerate the heat from the steam.Infrared ozone sauna, on the other hand, emits heat without building up the temperature outside the body. The light emitted by the infrared light directly penetrates the skin1 and does not warm the air around you, so the temperature is more comfortable compared to regular saunas.

  • Our Ozone Therapy is administrated through the skin, which may have a positive effect for tissue damage Not harmful if not breathable

  • Ozone therapy treats a lot but cures nothing. It has a fundamental action to the body which allows the body to rebalance and heal itself.

  • Increased energy Sense of wellbeing Increased endurance Improved cognitive function/decreased brain fog .Reduced Pain

  • Herxheimer reaction - Nausea and flu like symptoms from activating the immune system and endotoxin release from a lot of pathogens being killed quickly

  • Ozone therapy interacts with your body (but not your lungs )you should never inhale ozone. Your lungs don’t have proper antioxidant defenses.

  • Item description

The idea of Ozone Therapy came from Dr Otto H. Warburg, a German physiologist, medical doctor and 1931 Nobel Prize winner. Otto Warburg was born in 1883 in Baden, Germany. His father was Emil Warburg, a physiologist and close friend of Albert Einstein.


  • Chronic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a terrible condition to suffer from. It flares up periodically and is long lasting. Symptoms include; itching, flaking of the skin, small fluid-filled blisters, redness, scaling and persistent pain. There is no known cure for atopic dermatitis. We are very happy to share this amazing testimonial with all our readers. Well, after 20 sessions in the ozone sauna, her eczema has cleared up. I just wanted to share the before and after pics with you. Quite astonishing.”

    – Tanis

  • The ozone sauna is working wonderfully. I have been using it once every two days for 30 minutes and the improvement has been incredible. I previously experienced severe numbness in my legs. After starting with regular ozone therapy sessions, the feeling has come back completely except for my little toe, which is improving by the day. Regards” – Mornae, Limpopo

  • I am a weekly user of the Ozone Sauna. I had a Laparascopic prostatectomy in Jan 2013. Started with the Ozone Therapy before the op, and in hindsight should probably just have continued, as the pathology of the removed prostate showed a prostate with the left lobe clean of cancer, and what was left on the right lobe on a (lower) Gleason 6 reading. The biopsy in August 2012 showed a Gleason 7 (3+4).

    So everything seems to be going very well. I visit a clinic in Lyttleton once a week for a 30-minute Ozone Sauna at 42 degrees Celsius and ozone setting 8. My blood tests (post -op PSA reading) have come up close to zero since the op. So I am hoping for a cancer-free balance of my life.”

  • Our whole family has been using the ozone steam sauna regularly for the past few weeks. All of us experienced an increase in sleep quality starting after the first session. A session in the sauna is very relaxing and a definite stress-buster. Thank you! ~ Petra”

  • Chronic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a terrible condition to suffer from. It flares up periodically and is long lasting. Symptoms include; itching, flaking of the skin, small fluid-filled blisters, redness, scaling and persistent pain. There is no known cure for atopic dermatitis. We are very happy to share this amazing testimonial with all our readers. Well, after 20 sessions in the ozone sauna, her eczema has cleared up. I just wanted to share the before and after pics with you. Quite astonishing.”

  • The idea of Ozone Therapy came from Dr Otto H. Warburg, a German physiologist, medical doctor and 1931 Nobel Prize winner. Otto Warburg was born in 1883 in Baden, Germany. His father was Emil Warburg, a physiologist and close friend of Albert Einstein.